Monday, November 26, 2007

Subject: 2d Graphics and Animation

I bet this paper is going to be the most interesting subject for most of us :)
Am posting some of the links for basic reading to gain general knowledge about animation..
(It is included in syllabus too,according to the syllabus copy that I have with me!)

Explore and read more about: Disney Animation – Japanese Animation – Russian Animation

My 3rd child !

So,this is my 3rd blog coming in the row..
My first blog talking about various issues from my space;My second blog,lying dormant right now,with spiritual issues.
I know that the first 2 aren't too impressive,
But - Life is to express yourself and not to impress others! :D
So,I like them that way..Ok leavin that apart..
Here comes my 3rd blog..The title says it all..Felt like creating a platform for posting up notes,online tutorials and stuff,and if possible a glimpse of what is taught in class(I wont assure u on that :P )
I know this is the same usual seriousness that creeps in during the holidays before any semester and this time I have been feeling excited enough to start a blog on 'Padippu Vishayam' !! 3 cheers for me! ;-)
A juncture to share what I learn,with my friends!
Hope this doesn't lie dormant,Let me have the initial confidence first ;-) , and for that I need your continuous encouragement!! :D
So come on,lets start the game! lol :P !